One point O

I had only recently become aware of One point O but when I watched it I became engrossed.

The Good
Paranoia - This is an incredibly paranoid film, almost entirely following one lonely man over a few days while as he becomes more and more paroniod. Mysterios boxes appear in his flat and other residents of his building are turning up dead. I found myself empathising with character through these events and it really helped the film.
The food - A heavy theme with this film is people become addicted to certain things, one woman becomes obsessed with orange juice, the landlord cannot stop eating meat. The main character obsessivly like a junkie drinks pint after pint of milk. It is quite revolting.
The agents - There are lots of times when cruious looking agents turn up to investigate in the film. They always seem a little awkward and like they are hiding something. it worked really well with the paranoi floating around.
The End - Another film with a great ending. The main character ends up being drugged and having his brain cut out on his kitchen floor. The beauty is by the end of the film that feels like the best thing for him.
The Twist
- The twist to the film is really nice. I Want to use some kind of goverment conspiracy in my film. Something along the lines of a completely immoral act that is being performed to help deal with the economy or homelessness or another issue facing future civilisations.

The good
There were alot of nice references to humans becoming infected like a computer.
Wonderfully terrifying talking robot that trys to warn the lead.
creepy undesirable characters.

The romance in the film felt a little wierd, almost like a hollywood afterthought.