Logans Run
This film is concidered a sci fi dystopia classic. To me it seemes to have been left out a little too long and gone a little mouldy.
The Best
The city - The huge automated city was a wonderful enviroment for a film. A eutopia where people dont have to work they just have to enjoy themselves all the time. How could this go wrong?
Out law zones - I really like the outlaw zones. Usually the police are to be feared and respected but when they venture into the zones they are the biggest targets of all.
The computer - To me it makes sense to have one ginat computer governing man as he seems unable to do it himself. This is one idea that is really good for a dystopia. While the computer can be completely infallible and make the best choices, it shows no compassion and has no mine for bending the rules.
The good
Crazy old man with alot of cats.
The Bad
The Premise - The tag line for the film is great "An idyllic sci-fi future has one major drawback: life must end at 30." I really like it, it probes my imagination no end. But I think it should have ended there the film didnt match up.
The silliness - What was the deal with the mad ice robot? He managed to defeat everyone that came near him apart from when logan turns up and karate chops him and escapes!?
Dated - The film really shows it age. It looks like alot of sci fi films from that era. The skimpy costumes, the flashing light comuters, the sets... everything. The future will never look so clean.
The coputer - The giant all knowing computer exploding because it could not computer something was stupid. Also blowing up the city aswell... that just seemslike bad electrical planning to me.
End - THe happy end was a joke to me. The giant city explodes and thousands of people are suddenly forced into the untamed wilds with no previous experience, but they dont care as there is an old man outside!?
When I saw this film I imagined my own ending. it continues the story along another year or so jumping through the upcoming events. First the un edicated survivours start to starve and are forced to scavenge, quickly disease spread as they will all be shitting in their water holes and in their camp. As time sget more desperate and bodies start mounting gangs will form fighting over food. Might see some canibles and other terrible things happen.
I guess that the old man everyone was so happy to see would die pretty quickly being old and frail up against youngsters in their prime.
Dystopia Reviews