Metropolis (animated)
Although not a particularly grim or gritty dystopia Metropolis has some of my favourite imigary in film in it.
The Best
The city - There are alot of things that I really like about the city so I will break them down a little more. The giant robot driven city is a great setting with all the huge industrial structures and robot workers.
The levels - The city is devided into different levels, with the richest at the top and the poorest at the bottom. As the main characters move between the levels you can clearly see the difference between the locations.
The secret police - The police force that hunts and kills any robots that have left their designated zones. These guys are a great face for an evil goverment.
The robot Detective - When the robot detective single handedly confronts that huge anti robot mob is an amazing scene. You can clearly see that it is suicide and its a touching scene.
The plot - The goverment using some crazy lazer to enrage all the robots in the city so people turn on them. Great goverment plans!
The Good
Ruined city at the end.
Mad robots
The Bad
Not gritty enough - This is a childrens film so I cannot complain too much but I definatly want to have a more grim film.
End - Same as above, I want an unhappy ending.
Dystopia Reviews