
For a while now I have loved the grim dark future presented by dystopia fiction but few have touched me more than Terry Gilliams Brazil.

The Best:
The overly bureaucratic regime - How everything is run on paper work which is infallable. To the extent that a printing error can cost an innocent man his life.
The brutal police force - Storming into a citezens house and as the forcefully arrest and beat the husband they force the wife to sign a reciept for his body.
Helplessness - The main character is swept along the story and despite his best efforts cannot stem the flow of the bigger story he is caught up in.
The End - I feel I cannot really enjoy a dystopia that has a happy end. It needs to be bleak and show that one person alone cannot avoid the governing systems. The final shot of the main character being wheeled out of the huge torture room was perfect for the film.

The Good:
Feral swearing children
Wierd tech like a futureistic 70's
Nice vehicle design

The Bad
The Dreams - Personally I am not a big fan of symbolic dreams in films. This is the only thing I can pick out for bad, despite my dislike for them in the context of Brazil they work wonderfully. Just not for me.