Hmmm thats pretty tiny... I will just post the script instead.
The DETECTIVE sits perfectly still on a bench, his briefcase is open beside him and the wind is scattering his papers. He is clutching his stomach as blood drips from a wound under his hand.
Who would have thought it would end like this? I always thought I would die an old man in the country side, not an ageing man in some alley. Just as Sarah always said “this city would consume me, I would be another broken cog in a broken machine” if only she could see me now. She left me in this city... I refused to leave this city with her to start a new life in 'the farms' the government initiative to try and feed the starving masses by offering people a way out of this hell hole to work in labour camps free of the pollution and overcrowded streets. What a joke. I stayed as some one needed to try and help people.... I wish she hadn't left me...
The DETECTIVE suddenly sits up in bed he puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it. He glances over to his fax machine which is ringing whilst receiving a document.
He stumbles out of bed and picks up the piece of recently printed paper and hits a button on the fax machine to stop the ringing. While reading the fax he searches his single room flat for something to eat, there are only empty boxes. He disappointingly stares at the fax it has 'MISSING' in bold letters at the top and then a picture of a teenage girl.
“Ugh I hate missing persons cases”. I got into freelance work because I liked actual police work but not the work the police did. I get to move around without much of a problem get left alone by the authorities and get my own little bachelor pad.Us freelancers get the hand offs from the police because they know that in this city if someone goes missing you are almost never going to find them, not to mention they are to busy with riot control and casual violence. When you go out at night you aren't scared of running into a thief or a murderer no one on this level had anything worth stealing. But if you see the police you keep your head down and get out of site. The councils guard dogs payed to keep the peace by beating anyone that gets out of line into submission or making you disappear if that isn't possible.“
A bedraggled woman wearing rag like clothes stands on a street corner she is clutching an infant child to her chest, she stares at a glowing green vending machine embedded in the adjacent street wall. Sheepishly she approaches it, as she draws near she holds up her right hand to reveal a bar-code imprinted on her palm. As she is about to scan her hand on the machine she is pushed to the floor by a behemoth of a man, watery eyed she looks terrified. A flamboyantly dressed man flanked by two behemoths steps up to the machine. He holds up his bar-code imprinted hand to the green scanner, there is a high pitched 'bleep' of acceptance and then a white box labelled 'MEAT' drops into the retrieval hatch, with a flash of of gold teeth he smiles and him and the bodyguards leave. The woman wiping the tears from her face looks around and stands next to the machine again. She scans her hand but a rejection noise sounds the machine flashes red and says 'No Credit' she tries again with the same response. Utterly overwhelmed she runs off crying into the darkness.
Across the street hidden in the darkness of an alleyway a man is watching and waiting. He walks over to the machine drawing his heavy cloak tightly around him. As he stands next to the machine he offers one last look around then reaches into his cloak to retrieve a severed hand attached to a chain. He holds the bar-code up to the scanner to be read, the machine accepts letting out a high pitched 'bleep' and then releases a box of meat.
(See animatic)
The DETECTIVE exits his building leaving through some heavy double doors onto the street. As he does a cloaked man hurries past him concealing a box under his covering. He makes his way down through identical looking streets and comes to an office titles 'information exchange'. He emerges some time later with the information that the girl had a boyfriend from this level while she was the level above (INSERT a quick run down of the levels.
“You see I am a people person I know a lot of people and that helps out in this line of work. Not if your a cop as before to long you have to turn in your friends and family to move up the ranks. But I couldn't do that... Like I said a people person.”
The detective is now on the hunt, there will be several shots such as...
Him showing a picture to a shop owner and the shop owner shaking his head
Him sat with an old friend having a drink and laughing
Asking a group of youths but none of them say anything.
A shot of him punching the teeth out of a junky in an ally way.
Finally the junky will tell him when the boyfriend is staying.
The DETECTIVE reading a piece of paper with a number on it approaches a door with the same number. It is ever so slightly ajar.
The DETECTIVE goes into a deserted tiny flat it looks like the place was ransacked it is a mess. He searches the place and cannot find any kind of clue. He then uses the toilet as he tries to flush nothing happens, he tries again but it appears broken. Dislodging the main part of the toilet he reveals a hidden stash within that is stopping the mechanism. It is a pack of illegal chemicals bearing a very specific emblem.
“Its the same story the rich third level kids get bored of their sheltered lifestyle and get involved with some rouge from the second level who is their ticket to where the real action is. Level one.
You don't see to much drug trafficking on level 2 the police have too tight a grip on that market this didn't look like their kind of thing. From the looks of how much stuff this kid was packing he must have been supplied from a contact on the first level.”
(There is only one place that uses this logo... TO LEVEL 1!!!)
The DETECTIVE makes his way through the crowds and all the security gates by flashing his badge, the police seem begrudged to do so but let him through anyway. He makes his way to a huge industrial elevator with hundreds of other people and vehicles.
The city is divided into four levels. Consider the city as one giant building. The top 10 floors are dedicated to the social elite, The leaders, the people who control if you will have a job or still be alive tomorrow. The next 30 floors are owned by the successful business tycoons, the wealthy and rich. The next 50 levels by the workers, the offices, the industrial plants and districts, the factories. Finally the deep basement which is where everyone else goes. Level one has been hell for a long time, the police don't come down here unless in army like numbers to break mass riots. Apart from that the only law enforcement you will see is private agencies generally people will look after themselves or the gangs will do it for them.
The DETECTIVE will make his way down the incredibly busy street. Through the crowd there will be brief glimpses at activities going on in alleyways from people being stabbed and robbed to female and male prostitutes servicing clients. Eventually the DETECTIVE will make his way to a large building with a huge neon sign of SPECIFIC EMBLEM. There will be a theatrical doorman welcoming people into the place which appears to be some kind of nightclub/brothel.
The DETECTIVE will approach the doorman
“I'm here to see the owner”
A little surprised the DOORMAN replies
“That's unlikely to happen sir maybe we can interest you in some women instead”
“Your going to take me to your boss, okay”
Looking frustrated in between welcoming other guests the doorman replies
“Piss off, cant you see we are busy”
DETECTIVE hold his badge just where the door man can see it
“Your going to take me to your boss now”
The door man signals to a few people in the crowd.
The DETECTIVE will the be grabbed by two of the bouncers and dragged down a back alley and in through a side door into a blood stained room.
The detective looks around there is fairly fresh blood on the table, he inspects the very tip of someone finger left on the table.
A huge fat man will enter flanked by a couple of goons carrying various weapons and torture instruments. The FAT MAN will look at the DETECTIVE and start laughing.
Turns out they knew each other way back when.
discussion about the drug boyfriend and the girl.
The boy is probably dead
the girl was handed over to some sleazy kidnapping syndicate that's part of the farms (they need to fill a certain quota or something). Maybe the detective can save the girl if he makes it to a certain station at a certain time. 4Pm lets say. He sets an alarm for 15minutes before.
Heads to a public telephone and phones a superior.
Looking around at all the different flavours of people going to and fro from the elevator station. He commandeers an emergency telephone by scanning his palm against the reader.
The telephone quickly asks in a static ridden woman's voice
“what is the problem detective 190736235”
The detective replies while readjusting his hat.
“He tells about some kidnapping and how victims are being taken to a certain train station.”
There is a sudden buzz on the telephone as if lines are being redirected. Eventually a man comes onto the line.
“This is serious sounding business detective. Please proceed to District 18 sub station 12-14A and make a full report immediately”
The phone line goes dead.
Travels through the elevator again and heads to the industrial district.
“Something seemed strange about all this, most of the information stations were in the business or residential districts. I had never been to one in the industrial district before. I must be onto something big if they want it reported in straight away, normally they don't bother investigating unless all the leg work has already been done.”
Walks up to a suspicious entrance.
Makes it to a tiny little street level entrance a greasy cop looks up at him.
“Ah detective”
Looks at a piece of paper
The Detective replies
“That's me”
He looks around
“never reported in the industrial district before”
The Greasy cop smiles at him looking up from a porn mag
“Your telling me, its just me and some antiquated gear. I don't even get an cover till 10. Allows me to catch up on my reading though.”
The Detective smiles
“So where the database then?”
Greasy replies
“Down the stairs third on the left, I turned the light on for you already, cant miss it.”
The detective sets off
“Let me leave you to your reading then”
Greasy doesn't look up
After going down several flights of stairs he gets to a hallway with one door open and a computer terminal lit up inside. He sits down and starts typing, the door behind him slams shut and locks. There is then a whirring of the air ventilation and he realises they are trying to gas him. He tries to kick the door but it is solid metal. Looking around the room in panic he sees a large pipe used for ventilation he pulls out his revolver and shoots the grill frantically he climbs up and out of the grill. He makes it out and drops into the corridor he entered in and starts running for the exit, he runs past where the guard was sitting who jumps up with a start and chases after him. The DETECTIVE stops when he gets into the street and turns to see his pursuer who is also armed and shoots THE DETECTIVE in the gun. Drawing his own gun again the detective shots the cop in the head and hobbles off into the industrial districts alleyways.
The detective finds a bench and slumps down on it. He puts his briefcase next to him and opens it up. He searches through the pack of confiscated drugs and swallows two of them that look like tranquillisers. He shuts his eyes and falls asleep.
“What the hell was that all about? No doubt some big wig got his hands dirty making some bodies disappear and it was easier to shut me up before I found anything real out...
...And another girl goes missing in the city who would have noticed eh? If only I could have found her, brought one back from the abyss... If only Sarah hadn't of left, if I could have brought her back, her and my baby. I miss her.
The DETECTIVES watch starts to bleep, its his alarm going off.
He pulls a cigarette out of his could puts in in his mouth and lights it (mimicking the scene from the beginning)
In a moment of realisation the detective remembers where he is and jumps up.
“If only I can see this through... If only I can bring one back stop someones else losing a child, losing loved one. If only I can make it to the train platform.
Still clutching his stomach he hobbles to the platform that FAT STAN told him about. He sees that a lots of body bags are being loaded onto a train.
Show a shot of the other side of the train with people excitedly getting aboard to go and work at the farms.
After the last of the bod bags are loaded aboard the train the DETECTIVE makes his way aboard. He hides out of sight and waits for something to happen. Eventually the train starts moving, he sits still clutching his stomach and swallows a few more pills. He begins searching the body bags, opening the first reveals a dead man inside each extra one he opens has another dead victim inside it. Eventually he finds his missing girl, she is long dead.
There are long shots of him standing and staring out of window contemplating whats going on. The sprawling city view slowly changes to a smaller metropolis and then eventually to countryside.
Eventually the train begins its approach to the farms. A huge industrial structure surrounded by tilled fields. The train pulls into a huge segmented station so each compartment can be disembarked into a completely separate area to the others. The 'body' carrages are line of to an adjacent section of platforms which are currently completely unmanned for now. The DETECTIVE slips off the train and through a doorway.
Making his way down several identical white washed corridors he eventually comes to a huge factory floor, mostly massive vats and machines and whirring away. He crosses over an elevated walkway and sees it is a huge packaging plant. Moving to an adjacent room he sees the abattoir. Hundreds and hundreds of bodies are being removed from body bags and are moving along conveyor belts through cleaning machines and eventually being lowered into great bubbling cauldrons. In other areas huge racks loaded with bodies being taken too and fro by faceless men in bio suits. The detective drops to his knees and starts to weep, pulling out his wallet and looking at his picture wife and child.
“I'm ready to go”
The camera will pan back to reveal three faceless minions standing around him with batons they will start to severely beat him. The DETECTIVE is loaded into a body bag and it is zipped up. There will be a small blood stain on the front from his wounds. The goons will drag his limp body-bag away.
The credits will show the blood stained body bog making its way across conveyor belts along side hundreds of others. Hopefully to a jaunty tune.