The Characters

The Mother The mother represents the masses. She is a poor downtrodden woman clutching her child to her bedraggled breast while she desperatly tries to get food for her family. At first she is pushed aside by the 'Pimp' and makes no effort to resist him, seeing that he has successfully gotton food she tries to aquire some herself. Alas she is too poor to support her family in the overcrowded city and cannot purchase any food and runs off weeping into the night.

The Pimp The pimp represents the unsavoury crime characters that are prevelant in the city. he is clearly rich and also a little fatter than the other characters showing that he can afford to eat well. With his body gaurds, fine jewellery and fancy clothes I think he has some kind of goverment position which he freely abuses to remain above the local citizenry.

The Rogue The Rogue represents the citizens forced into a life of desperation, to desperate to remain just a citizen and not influencial enough to maintain any position of power. This character is showing the much darker side of the city, clearly on top of basic crime, injustice and starvation there is murder or mutilation aswell. I would not like to speculate what happened to the rest of 'The Hands' owner but I am pretty sure some other people ate well for at leste one evening.