V for Vendetta (Graphic Novel)
The Best
Goverment - Thegoverment is really interesting in V for Vendetta. With a 1984 style keeping track of their citizens. Secret police that patrol the streets at night. Using biological weapons on their own citizens to scare them into submission. Doing immoral testing on human prisoners. There is alot going on with them.
The Protagonist - A really good protaginst that isnt trying to save the city he wants to turn it all to anarchy so the people will save themselves.
The Ending - The ending is amazingly good in this book, parliment is destroyed and all forms of goverment is removed. It ends with the detective character leaving one of the goverment members wives to be raped by vagrants. It is a really bitter sweet feel as you are not sure if total freedom is better than being controlled.
The detective - The detective is a great character, disgruntled with the goverment and sympathising with the protagonist. I really like the scene where he takes alot of acid and managed to uravel alot of the plot. he makes for an interesting character not clearly good or bad morals.
The Good
the names of the locations 'The eye', 'the ear', 'the mouth'...
The bad
Superman - The protagonist V is a great character but I am not a big fan of his ability to steal anything or to be stronger and faster than normal people. Its never a big problem but it is a minour dislike.
Dystopia Reviews