The Character Fat Stan is an informant character for the detectice. In 'Level 1' he will have his own little relm of power where he is the king. The idea behind him is that he was some buisness man from 'Level 3' that maybe got involved in unsavoury buisness that stepped on the goverments toes a little too much. Our detective helped him escape with some assets to 'Level 1' and go into hiding (A much better option that winding up dead). Thanks to this the detective has earnt himself a powerful ally although maybe one that he cannot risk overusing.
'Level 1' will be filled to the brim with starving people, Fat stan will maintain his huge gurth as a status symbol. Only a truely rich and powerful man in 'Level 1' can afford to be quite so plump.
Although a long way off, I imagine Fat Stans demise to be and the hands of some unsavoury disgruntled 'Level 1' crime families and he will be be hacked apart and canibalised. Poor guy.