Cartoon detective

Originally I always imagines that the film would be a very moody black and white piece mimicking the film noir style that influenced me. As time went by I thought that possibly having the animation done in a far more cheerful style would add a wonderful juxtaposition to the film, there would be scenes of terrible suffereing and poverty on screen but put across in a far friendlier style.

These were some of the concepts for a much simpler animation style for the film. The first is the detective flashing his badge.


This is a picture that sums up this style far more. It features the detective beating a clue or piece of information out of some street hippy. I think it could make for a really interesting film especially when there is some quite visceral violence on screen and gore represented with such cartoony figures.

This scene once again is there to help show that the detective himself is not all that good a person. Although his motives are clearly to help people he is not beyond beating the hell out of someone in order to progress with his investigation. By our standards this may be concidered unthinkable but in the brutal world that they live in this is as bad as we would think.

I think its shows that he can be pretty hands on if the job calls for it. It also shows that if needs be he could probably defend himself in a fight.
